Monthly Archives: May

Elite Dental Irvine防疫安全指南- 確保您看診安全的步驟,措施,以及設備

您跟您家人的安全對我們來說很重要! Elite Dental Irvine新的看診流程 1. 全程戴口罩 (feel free to request from Celia) 2. 量體溫 3. 填寫patient screening form 4. 僅一位家人陪同,並在候診區等候 5. 用乾洗手消毒 (at hand sanitizing station) 6. 看診前使用1.5% hydrogen peroxide漱口 Elite Dental Irvine新器械 1. HEPA filter 空氣清淨機 (候診區以及每個診間) 2. 醫院等級 UVC 殺菌燈 (看診消毒完再請下一位) 3. Ivory ReLeaf & Purevac HVE innovative high volume dental suction devices

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Elite Dental Irvine Official Short Intro

  Our Missions:   1. We treat people as we want to be treated. 2. We are committing to providing honesty and passionate dental care. 3. We focus on patient comfort and state-of-the-art technology. Latest News From Our Blog What’s the timeline for Dental Implant? when to get the tooth _Dr. Yang’s Dental Implant Series

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Elite Dental Irvine

33 Creek Rd #C370 Irvine CA92604


Give us a Call!

Opening Hours

Tue, Thurs, & Fri: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Mon & Wed: By appointment

Appointment Booking