YOU AND YOUR FAMILY’S SAFETY IS IMPORTANT TO US! New measures at Elite Dental Irvine. 1. Wearing masks upon entry (feel free to request from Celia) 2. Taking temperature 3. Filling out COVID-19 patient screening form 4. Allowing only one family member as accompany 5. Sanitizing your hands (at hand sanitizing station) 6. Rinse with
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您跟您家人的安全對我們來說很重要! Elite Dental Irvine新的看診流程 1. 全程戴口罩 (feel free to request from Celia) 2. 量體溫 3. 填寫patient screening form 4. 僅一位家人陪同,並在候診區等候 5. 用乾洗手消毒 (at hand sanitizing station) 6. 看診前使用1.5% hydrogen peroxide漱口 Elite Dental Irvine新器械 1. HEPA filter 空氣清淨機 (候診區以及每個診間) 2. 醫院等級 UVC 殺菌燈 (看診消毒完再請下一位) 3. Ivory ReLeaf & Purevac HVE innovative high volume dental suction devices
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Our Missions: 1. We treat people as we want to be treated. 2. We are committing to providing honesty and passionate dental care. 3. We focus on patient comfort and state-of-the-art technology. Latest News From Our Blog What’s the timeline for Dental Implant? when to get the tooth _Dr. Yang’s Dental Implant Series
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