My Lateral Incisor is not following with the Invisalign trays!_ Dr. Yang’s Invisalign Journey (7) Lateral incisors (smaller front teeth) are tiny teeth at the front, however, they are critical for a beautiful smile line. The tracking issue happens quite often while my patients requiring extrusion of lateral incisors. There are couple of
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What is the Invisalign Virtual Care function?_ Dr. Yang’s Invisalign Journey_ Day74 (6) What is the Invisalign Virtual Care function?_ Dr. Yang’s Invisalign Journey_ Day74 (6) Virtual Care designed by Align technology is an extremely handy function during the global pandemic of COVID-19, for patients live far away, or for people require lots of
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How to use My Invisalign app? __Dr. Yang’s Invisalign Journey_ Day 48 (4) Invisalign developed a very handy app call “My Invisalign”. The app can assist you through out the entire treatment journey with below functions. 1. Track progress 2. Schedule aligner change reminders 3. Treatment progress gallery 4. Aligner OUT timer Next video, we
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While talking about a great smile. Straightening and whitening your teeth are going side-by-side. Many patients asked about teeth whitening after Invisalign treatments. Today, I am going to share a great news. You can perform teeth whitening using your existing Invisalign trays even during the treatment. In fact, every Invisalign patients treated at our office
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Will grinding or TMJ problems affect Invisalign treatment?_ Dr. Yang’s Invisalign Journey_Day 1 (2) I am going to share my day 1 Invisalign journey after wearing the trays overnight. Oftentimes, I got to ask these questions “Doc, I grind my teeth a lot. Can I still use Invisalign?” TMD, is the abbreviation of temporomandibular joint
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How does Invisalign work on my teeth (Day 0)? _Dr. Yang’s Invisalign Journey (1) How does Invisalign feel while wearing them? In order to understand my patients’ feeling, I order 5 sets of Invisalign aligners for myself. Here we go to start my short Invisalign adventure. I received my aligners today. It comes with a
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What are the Benefits of Invisalign?_ Elite Dental Irvine Dr. Yang’s Invisalign TALK series (4) My patients always ask this question while debating between traditional braces and Invisalign. From a dentist stand point, these are the benefits of Invisalign. 1. Invisible 2. No food restriction 3. Removable (Easy to clean and floss) 4. Boundless activities
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Invisalign is a virtually invisible way to straighten your teeth and achieve the beautiful smile you always dreamed of. With iTero scanner and advanced 3D technology. Your aligners would be fabricated base on doctor’s prescription. Your dentist can virtual review your teeth position from initial to the desired final position and approve your treatment plan.
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Talking about Invisalign, patients’ might have 2 questions. 1. Do the trays get loose in my mouth when I talk? 2. Are they easy to take in-and-out of my mouth? Invisalign has a patented design called “SmartForce attachments”. None of the other clear aligner systems have it. The attachments are small teeth-color dots that are
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Frequently asked questions regarding Invisalign that I receive most from my patients are: 1. Is Invisalign painful? 2. Is there any food restrictions? 3. What is the difference between Invisalign and traditional braces? 4. Would Invisalign change my pronunciation? 5. How long does Invisalign take? 6. Is it hard to remove and clean the trays?
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